


All levels

Time to complete

8 weeks


Writing practice


Verbs, Distilling Takeaways, Introductions, Transitions, and More


The Great Legal Writers

Do you want to write like the nation’s greatest lawyers and judges? Good news: You can write just like they do. The best writers use the same techniques, again and again. And in this Journey, you’ll explore the simple, concrete tools the greats use to pen their prose.

What You’ll Learn

Discover the new skills you’ll unlock after completing this Journey.


Crafting key sections

Learn simple techniques for crafting critical sections like introductions, conclusions, and headings. 

Highlighting what matters

The best legal writers highlight what matters for readers so that the gold can’t be missed. 

Writing with style

Learn how the great legal writers leverage verbs, rhetorical moves, transitions, and more to elevate their prose. 

A legal writing pro—in your inbox

Get legal writing advice right in your inbox from renowned law professor Joe Regalia. Joe regularly leads training for premier organizations, including AmLaw 100 firms, the Department of Justice, and U.S. Courts of Appeals. 

Practice what you learn

Practice each technique with an interactive writing simulation.
  • Jump to the practice right from your email.
  • Retake each practice as many times as you want.

Save your Journey

  • Go back to your Journey when you want. You can save Journeys in your email forever.
  • Navigate from one Journey to the next directly in your email.

Explore the Episodes

Explore all episodes in this 8-week Journey.

Ep. 1: Verbs

Use concrete, active verbs to elevate your prose. 

Ep. 2: Distilling Takeaways

Distill what readers care about into simple packages.

Ep. 3: TL;DR Introductions

Craft introductions that dish up what readers want. 

Ep. 4: Transitions

Create flow and fluency by tweaking your transitions. 

Ep. 5: Storytelling

Capture your audience’s hearts and minds with simple storytelling skills. 

Ep. 6: Details

Use details to convey points more powerfully. 

Ep. 7: Headings

Create signposts that your readers will love throughout your document. 

Ep. 8: Elevated Style

Take your writing to the next level with style structures used by the best writers. 

Legal skills for the 21st-century

We use 21st-century learning science to train today’s legal professionals. Bite-sized training, data-backed techniques, and lessons that are actually fun make it possible for you to pick up a new skill in no time. 
“ is a game changer for lawyers and law students alike. I highly recommend for everyone.”

Ross Guberman

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